Best Hanzo Crosshair For Overwatch 2

There aren’t many sniper characters in Overwatch 2, so if you are planning to play as Hanzo you should use the best crosshair for him. Hanzo can be very dangerous if you know how to use him. Not only are his abilities very strong but he gets infinite ammo (with a somewhat slower fire rate) so you don’t have to worry about reloading, this isn’t the case for others like Widowmaker, Ashe, and Ana. A good crosshair can help you target your enemies better. So here are 2 of the best crosshairs that you can use with him.

Best Hanzo Crosshair in Overwatch 2

Best Default Crosshair For Hanzo In Overwatch 2
Screenshot: Gamer Tweak

The best Hanzo Crosshair for beginners is the default one. Sure it looks very different compared to what people use usually. But the default crosshair is designed in a way to help both new & even veteran players of the game who don’t know how to use Hanzo. Check the above image to see how it looks.

Here you can see it has 3 horizontal lines. What you need to do is align the crosshair with the enemies in a way that the top horizontal lines are on the same level as your target’s head. Now when you shoot and if your target gets is properly aligned with the arrow trajectory, it will be an instant headshot for most DPS and support heroes. It can take some time getting used to but once you are set with it you most likely won’t have to change it again.

But is you want to try something other than the default reticle then use the following settings:

  • Type
    • Crosshairs
  • Advanced
    • Show accuracy: Off
    • Color: Teal or any other color of your choice.
    • Thickness: 1.8
    • Crosshair length: 7.5
    • Center Gap: 7.0
    • Opacity: 75%
    • Outline Opacity: 100%
    • Outline Thickness: 1.0
    • Outline Shift: 1.0
    • Dot Size: 2 or any other number. It doesn’t matter because for this crosshair we aren’t using the center dot.
    • Dot Opacity: 0%
    • Scale with Resolution: On

You can check the below image to see what the crosshair should look like. Unlike the default crosshair, when trying to hit headshots using the “+” style of the crosshair. Make sure you aim slightly above the head of your enemy. You will need to adjust it according to how far your target is from you.

Hanzo Plus Reticle In Overwatch 2
Screenshot: Gamer Tweak

The reason for this is Hanzo’s arrows fly in an arch and not in a straight line. So if you aim at the head and the enemy is far away from you, when you shoot your arrow it will land on their body or even at their legs.

That’s all for the best Hanzo crosshair in Overwatch 2. If you are interested in trying out the other characters, then check out our guide on the best crosshair for every hero.