How To Get Unlimited Favor Tokens In AC Mirage

In need of hiring services of some merchants or scholars? You should get unlimited favor tokens in Assassin's Creed Mirage to never run out of them.

As you progress from mission to mission in AC Mirage you will find yourself wanting Favor tokens, and there is a way to get unlimited of them. There are 3 types of these tokens in this game and they are Scholar, Power, and Merchant favor tokens. Each of them serves its unique purpose as you can use them to hire different services from entertainers, Munadi, merchants, and more. So here is a quick way to get them easily.

How to Get Favor Tokens easily in Assassin’s Creed Mirage

How To Get Unlimited Favor Tokens In AC Mirage

There are two ways to earn Favor Tokens in this game.

  • Completing Contracts
  • Pickpocketing People on the streets

So the best way to earn Favor tokens fast is by pickpocketing people. This is mainly because contracts can take you some time to complete. But when it comes to stealing from people that can be done very fast and easily. All you need to do is use Eagle Vision to scan and find pouches that you can loot. Walk up to the person and once in their pickpocketing proximity press the Triangle or the Y button. Press it again at the right time to avoid getting caught.

Best Way to Get Unlimited Favor Tokens

During the Jailbreak quest, there are a lot of people walking in front of the Damascus Gate prison. You can pickpocket them to get lots of Favor tokens. This method isn’t restricted just to when the quest is available, making this method very useful for farming these tokens.

That’s all for this guide on how you can farm unlimited Favor tokens in AC Mirage. While you are here don’t forget to check out our other guides on this game for how to disable alarms, use photo mode, and master stealth. As for any help on other topics not mentioned above you can check out our Assassin’s Creed Mirage section for more.