Video Game Guides

How To Get Container Walls In Stranded Deep

Crafting is an important factor of Stranded Deep. You can come across tons of crafting materials in the game, some are common while some others are rare. One of the rare crafting items you can find is a container. You can open the containers, but they don’t have anything useful within. To make use of these containers, you will have to craft container walls from them. These container walls can then be used to craft several items. Here’s how you can easily get container walls in Stranded Deep.

Stranded Deep: How to Get Container Walls

To get container walls, you will have to equip an axe first. You can either use a Crude or a Refined Axe for the purpose. Here’s how to craft each one of them.

How to craft a Crude Axe

You can craft a Crude Axe with the following items:

  • Lashing x 1
  • Stick x 1
  • Stone Tool x 2

How to craft a Refined Axe

You can craft a Refined Axe with the following items:

  • Crude Axe x 1
  • Leather x 1
  • Stone Tool x 1

Once you have an axe equipped, stand close to the container and follow the below steps to get container walls in Stranded Deep.

  1. Enter the crafting menu
  2. Navigate to the building section
  3. Select “Container Wall” to craft it

Remember that you will have to stand close to the container or else the game will throw an error. Once you have the container wall, you can carry it to any of the islands and use it. You can use container walls to build the walls of your house. You can also cut the door from the container and use it to build other structures.

That’s everything you need to know about how to get container walls in Stranded Deep. You might also consider reading some other useful guides to surviving until the ending of Stranded Deep. To begin with, you can read how to fix broken bones, use water still, and craft speargun in Stranded Deep.


A content writer who loves playing games in real world, on PC & Mobile, and with words. Has a soft corner for technology and how it is transforming the business world. You can reach out to me at

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