
Sackboy: A Big Adventure Online Multiplayer Will Release Later This Year

Sackboy: A Big Adventure will release just in time for the launch of the PS5, however, it will take a few more weeks before you can play the online multiplayer of the game. A developer of Sumo Digital announced that the multiplayer will not be available for release.

While the local co-op mode will be available right at the release, the online multiplayer of Sackboy: A Big Adventure will be delayed by a few weeks. This was announced recently by Ned Waterhouse, Design Director at Sumo Digital, on the official PlayStation blog.

There the design director reported that delaying the multiplayer was not an easy decision. Still, it was necessary to make a few final adjustments and ensure a great gaming experience. The team is still working hard on it.

The multiplayer should be submitted with a patch towards the end of the year. Two to four players can compete there. No matter if you play on the PS4 or the PS5. In addition, the game status of the PS4 can be transferred to the next-gen console if you use the free upgrade for the digital PS5 version. However, the save game transfer will not be possible from the start either. This function is to be submitted with a patch a short time later.

As long as the development team is still working on the multiplayer, you can play Sackboy’s latest adventure alone or with up to three friends on the couch at home. In order to be able to play multiplayer at the end of the year, you need a paid PS Plus membership, as is usual with online games.

In addition to the standard edition, two other bundles are offered.


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